• About The Mohel

  • About The Mohel

    Rabbi Chesky Neumann possesses a background uniquely qualifying him to act as the trusted professional Mohel who will usher your son into the covenant of  Avraham Avinu on your behalf. Chesky is passionate that both parents should understand, live and appreciate this once in a lifetime transition that their precious offspring is about to experience.  Over the years and through living in diverse countries and communities, Chesky honed his skills at effectively communicating with both father and mother, appreciating their concerns and making them part of the covenant. Doing so creates an experience that not only removes a lot of the anxiety and angst but helps the parents live the moment that they so value with comfort and ease. Being an expertly trained and certified Mohel with exact precision, skill and speed, he avoids using any instruments that will cause your child any extra and unnecessary pain. As a graduate of the “London School of Circumcision” he has served on staff at “BRIT AVOT” headquartered in Jerusalem. This organization provides tens of thousands Brisim all around Israel, Cyprus, Russia and Ukraine for babies and adults alike. Having the meritorious opportunity of serving as Ambassador to far flung places, Rabbi Neumann has generated happy parents throughout the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres.

    Born and raised in Monsey NY, he is an alumnus of Gateshead Talmudical College in Northern England. Furthering his studies for five years in Israel under the personal tutelage of Rav Soloveitchik. Rabbi Neumann, his wife Batsheva, and family returned to New York to continue performing ritual circumcision in the N.Y.C. & tri-state area.

  • "Doing so creates an experience that not only removes a lot of the anxiety and angst but helps the parents live the moment that they so value with comfort and ease."


"Where Experience, Makes A Difference."