• About The Bris

  • What Is A Brit Milah?

    Brit Milah, or Jewish circumcision, is one of the oldest Jewish traditions which connotes the deep bond between G-d and his nation, the Jewish people. Unlike the word “circumcision”, which refers merely to a mechanical momentary act, the phrase “Brit Milah” (the biblical Hebrew phrase used in reference to circumcision) has a profound implication. “Brit” means a covenant, a unification of sorts between two entities, fusing them to become one. Through Brit Milah, a Jewish child is introduced to his true capacity, to live and flourish by the word and will of G-d; emphasizing his intrinsic connection to his maker. The Jewish people have been practicing Brit Milah ever since G-d gave this as a commandment to our forefather Abraham, nearly 4,000 years ago, and to this day it stands as a symbol of our identity. Indeed, throughout our history the “Brit” has often come under the crosshairs of those who have aimed to destroy us, both physically and spiritually (i.e. communist Russia). Brit milah, rather than being the focus of a fleeting moment, is an eternal indestructible link, between this 8-day old infant, and his prestigious heritage. Only children whom are born to a Jewish mother are required to be ritually circumcised. The onus of performing Brit Milah, according to Jewish law, falls on the child's’ father. If he is not proficient in the laws and practical ritual thereof, he may and should appoint a certified & expert Mohel to carry out this special Mitzvah.

  • "Through Brit Milah, a Jewish child is introduced to his true capacity, to live and flourish by the word and will of G-d; emphasizing his intrinsic connection to his maker."


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